Tuesday 29 September 2015

Behaviour Assignment

The student I chose for this assignment is very chatty, often doesn't listen to her teacher, doesn't write the notes and is the teacher's pet. I will be referred to this student as Lolita. I've had the chance to see Lolita in class for over two weeks now and I have noticed that she craves attention not only from the teacher but from the other students as well. As she is the teacher's pet she sits in her desk in front of the class so everyone can see her which makes it difficult help her change her behaviour.
I believe the behavioural theory that applies better to Lolita would be wanting attention. I have noticed that she craves attention from the teacher and other students in her class, although she has an assigned desk she likes to sit in front of the class, in the teacher's desk, she also talks a lot either to the hole class or to any student around her.
Often teacher's solution to this kind of misbehaviour is to ask the student to leave the classroom, or mentally tune the student out, but in this case the teacher doesn't know much about her craving for attention which makes it hard for me to handle it. When I come into the classroom I try to stand near Lolita without speaking  to her, so she pays attention to the teacher when she teaches a lesson and doesn't distract other students too.
In this case, I believe Lolita needs help from her teacher as it is hard for me to ask her to leave the class or to ask her to sit in her sit when the teacher lets her do pretty much what she wants, but I am doing my best to help her by standing beside her without looking at her and stop talking to her after I have asked her to stop talking and instead going beside the other student she's talking to.    

I think assessing students' marks separately from their learning skills can have a very negative impact on these students. High school is when we prepare ourselves for the adult world, where being late or handing in papers late will not be forgiven so easily as it is in school. In my opinion, absences shouldn't be punished only if they are approved and handing in work late should have consequences if the students doesn't have a valid reason for why they didn't submit their work on time. I think the curriculum should change this way of marking as this is affecting students in the long run, making the curriculum more strict will help the students prepare for the future, this will help them be more successful in university and their workplace.     

Friday 25 September 2015

The perfect teacher

We all have that favourite teacher we will remember forever, that teacher that we never wanted to miss their class, and the ones that made us sad when they were absent. The question is, what made them be so great, and win our hearts. Well here are the five qualities I believe make the perfect teacher. 
As obvious as it may sounds, a perfect teacher must know all there is to know about the subject they are teaching. This is sometimes overlooked as it happens that teachers are require to teach different subjects, but a great teacher commands respect through their wide knowledge and enthusiasm for the course.
Make a class fun can't be easy, but an enthusiastic teacher can make any course interesting and will get more students involve. Although a class can't only be games, a teacher can make it enjoyable by involving students in lessons, changing the way they are thought and involving students in every step of the way. In my experience in the resource room, I've had the chance of seeing miss De Souza help students to get into the subject they didn't want to study to begin with, and I believe her enthusiastic attitude is what allows this happen. 
Organization is key to make a class flow smoothly through the content that must be thought. Although we can't expect a perfect smooth class because their will always be bumped along the road, in my personal experience a class is more pleasant when your teacher has an outline of what is suppose to be done in a timeframe. Having their lessons planned and organized doesn't only help get the class started faster but it also helps students to be organized as well and this all will lead to better studying methods and it will be shown in excellent marks. 
Being approachable couldn't scape this five qualities, as it is indispensable for a student to be able to communicate with his teacher for a better learning. Teachers that make students feel as their are equal to them are much more relatable and in my opinion make the students want to do better on their class to live up to them. 
Last but not least, a teacher most know their audience. Teaching a grade 9 class is not the same as teaching a grade 12 in my opinion. Over the years grade 12s have developed qualities that grade 9s probably hasn't, they have different interests and expect different things from a class. Some teachers may forget this, when they go teaching grade 9s in first period to teaching grade 12s in the second, but it is very important as makes students enjoy the class and also respect their teacher. 
In the resource room I've had the chance of seeing different teachers, and students in different grades which has made me realized that what might make a teacher for me and some of my classmates in grade 12, is not the same for students in different grades but for what I've seen, I believe that perhaps the greatest trait a teacher can have is to be comfortable enough to show that they’re human. They celebrate success with students, show compassion for those that struggle, tell stories from their own lives, share their quirks, laugh at their own mistakes and are not afraid to be imperfectly human in front of students

Tuesday 15 September 2015

Differentiated Instruction

Differentiated Instruction 

Differentiated instruction is the different ways a teacher can explain a concept in order to meet students' needs. It asks teachers to know their students well so that they can provide each one with experiences and tasks that will improve their learning. Teachers often tend to teach using the same methods they themselves experienced as a student. However, this leaves many student clueless about many subjects. This is why in the past few years differentiated instruction has been more present in school. Although this way of teaching is great for students, as it allows everyone to understand the different concepts in class, teachers are often faced with the struggle of missing content that must be taught because of the lack of time after explaining the same principle many times but in different ways. 

In my opinion this is the best way a class can be taught. I believe we are all different and learn in different ways. This doesn't mean one student might be smarter than the other, it simply means that one might learn in a completely different way. In my past three years of high school I've seen different ways of teaching and different ways of learning between students and this has helped me understand more about this concept. So far in my involvement in the resource room, I have seen the improvement of some of the students when the teacher explains a theme in various different ways from how they first explained it. Ms. De Souza uses different approaches like exit cards, for corners and mostly co-constructive criteria, where the student and the teacher fill in the gaps one an another. 

In conclusion, differentiated instruction is the best way to teach a class, as it allows everyone to fully understand everything that is being taught and therefore have better results. I have seen the impact this has in students, the positive impact on students and firmly believe that every teacher should at least try to implement this method in their class rooms.