Friday 2 October 2015

Experiential Learning

Experiential learning is the process of learning through experience, and is more specifically defined as "learning through reflection on doing". It is distinct from rote or didactic learning, in which the learner plays a comparatively passive role. I believe everyone learns differently, some people like sitting in classroom listening to a teacher, but other like to be more hands-on and that what experiential learning is all about. At Pius X we have different ways to get this kind of learning to students, one is our Co-Op program where students have the opportunity to go every afternoon or morning to the workplace and experience what the job is really like, We also have a program called Destination Employability (DEP) Miss De Souza is the coordinator for our school this year. The idea of the program is to give students concrete examples of possible careers. They will have an opportunity to watch what the career entails, think about how they could possible do the career, possibly get to try/practice the job and then eventually set up a plan to get on that pathway.
I believe this kind of learning is very effective, it really gives the students a chance of knowing if they really like a specific job by trying it, and if they don't they have the chance to look into other career paths before it's too late. I had the chance of doing Co-Op last year and it helped me realize what I wanted to study and be in the future. I recommend trying some sort of experiential learning to everyone, it really helps you with your career choices, I think as grade 12s it's very important to have a clear understanding of any career path we might want to take and programs like co-op and DEP are perfect opportunities to do this.     

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